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The course satisfies the requirement set out in Section 7 of the "Regulations relating to safety when working in and operating electrical installations – FSE", that relevant personnel shall be given annual training and instruction within FSE.
The course contains all first aid theory with a focus on electrical injury, as dictated by the regulations. The course also includes training and instruction in first aid focusing on electrical injury, except for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in which you need practical training.
Throughout the course, the focus is on attitudes and the individual's responsibility to comply with the regulations. FSE training is about knowledge of regulations and instructions, but equally important is it for the individual to understand why we have these regulations. Succeeding in getting the individual to understand the importance of working safely is crucial for ensuring that electrical safety develops in the right direction and that the number of accidents is reduced.
In accordance with Section 7 of the FSE, training in FSE and first aid shall be carried out at least once a year. In order to meet the requirement to provide first aid in the event of power accidents, a practical exercise in CPR (mouth to mouth and heart compression) must be carried out annually.
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